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Married Couple’s Ministry

Mission Statement: 
The Bone of My Bone (B.O.M.B.) Marriage Ministry provides married couples with biblical principles and life skills that will help them establish and maintain healthy marriage through God's original plan.  We aim to assist couples in every stage of relational development to create a radiant marriage that thrives on commitment, intimacy, and growth.  The B.O.M.B. Marriage Ministry is committed to edification of the members of the body of Christ, and our respective communities by promoting and supporting the righteous covenant of marriage.  The Marriage Ministry strives to help couples grow closer to Christ and closer to each other and to shine and soar to the Glory of God.
Our Vision:

To honor and uphold the santification of marriage that God established for married couples of our church and the community while providing a spiritually safe place to develop God-centered relationships with other couples.  Our focus is to promote healthy relationships, families, and Christ centered households. 

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